SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台

Genesee Community College has a number of policies relating to computer use. 请花时间去熟悉他们. 如果你对这些政策有疑问, feel free to stop into the 学生 Resource Center (T212) on campus or to contact Patricia Chaya, 教务长.


Genesee computer systems shall not be used for transmission of information that promotes:

  1. 基于年龄的歧视, 婚姻状况, 资深地位, 国家的起源, 比赛, 信条, color, 性别, 宗教, 残疾或性取向;
  2. 性骚扰;
  3. 侵犯版权;
  4. 个人政治信仰;
  5. personal business interests; or
  6. 任何非法活动


  1. Network and system managers will treat the contents of electronic files as private and confidential. 任何故意检查电子文件的行为, 以及基于这种检查的行动, 将受所有适用的U.S. 遵守纽约法律和学校政策.
  2. 在杰纳西,电子邮件是尽可能保密的. 试图读取他人的电子邮件或其他受保护的文件将被严肃对待. 系统管理员不会读取邮件或非全球可读文件,除非在其职责过程中绝对必要, and will treat the contents of those files as private information at all times.
  3. 所有用户都应该注意,系统管理员会定期对Genesee系统进行安全检查,包括, 但不限于, 密码和文件检查.
  4. The system may have utilities or operating procedures which disclose student information; users can control this information in a manner consistent with other sources of directory information. 学院将向学生提供必要的信息,以行使他们的FERPA权利和压制目录信息.
  5. 作为系统维护的一部分, Computer Services may run programs that examine user files and transmission of data. This will not be construed as a deliberate inspection of user files or data.


Users of Genesee computing resources have the following responsibilities:

  1. Users are expected to comply with all hardware and 软件 licensing agreements. Software is licensed by the College for users and may be subject to limitations.
  2. 用户不得在未经授权的情况下尝试访问不属于任何Genesee系统上的用户的任何帐户. 任何可疑的未经授权的使用用户帐户应立即报告给学术计算主任或计算机服务主任.
  3. 用户不应使用任何Genesee系统作为破解(或闯入)其他计算机系统的集结地.
  4. Users are expected not to use any Genesee system through unauthorized dial-up access.
  5. Users are expected not to use any Genesee system for illegal or criminal purposes.
  6. All users are responsible for their own telecommunications access charges, if any.
  7. 任何用户在任何Genesee系统上发现可能存在的安全漏洞,都有义务向学术计算主任或计算机服务主任报告.
  8. 用户对其帐户的所有使用负责, including choosing safe passwords and ensuring file protections are set correctly.
  9. 允许个人访问, not groups of individuals; passwords are not to be shared under any circumstances.
  10. Keep in mind that many people use the Genesee system for day to day work. Obstructing this work by consuming large amounts of system resources (disk space, CPU时间) or be deliberately crashing the machine(s) will not be tolerated. Users are asked to clean up disk space and/or stop processes except in emergencies.
  11. Genesee计算机技术设施和资源不得用于商业目的或与学院无关的活动.
  12. 用户对自己数据的完整性负责. Where appropriate, users need to make back-up copies of their data files.
  13. Genesee计算资源不得用于传输任何通信,其中包含消息的含义, 或者它的传播和分布, would violate any applicable law or regulation or be obscene, abusive or highly offensive or objectionable to the recipient or recipients thereof.
  14. Users are expected to avoid offensive of inflammatory speech. Users must respect the rights of others in the local user community and the Internet at large. 人身攻击是不可接受的网络使用. 如果你是“火焰”的受害者,” take the time to respond rationally; seek assistance from Computer Services staff, 如果有必要的话.
  15. Users are expected to avoid the knowing or inadvertent spread of computer viruses. 不从未知来源导入文件. 如果您确实从远程源获取软件, 使用前请按照正确的程序检查是否有病毒. Virus scanning 软件 is available from the Computer Services department.
  16. 不允许模仿. Real names must be used; pseudonyms are not allowed. Anonymity is not allowed; individuals must take responsibility for their action and words.
  17. 用户不允许运行“嗅探器”,这些是在计算机网络中搜索用户id和密码等信息的计算机程序.
  18. Users are not to share their passwords with anyone under any circumstances. 被要求提供密码的用户应立即向学术计算主任或计算机服务主任报告.

Procedure for Dealing with 学生s who Misuse College 计算资源

使用计算机和信息处理资源是学院授予在杰纳西社区学院学习项目或工作任务中表现出适当需求的学生的特权. GCC计算机资源的所有用户必须遵守纽约州和联邦法律的适用法规, 特别是, 纽约州刑法第514章. 本程序的目的是概述在怀疑学生滥用电脑资源时应采取的步骤.


A. 学生 -学生是注册并参加任何大学教学计划的个人.

B. 计算资源 —计算资源包括, 但不限于, 计算设备, 软件, 程序代码, 手册, 计算机数据, 程序输出, 打印机, 电脑纸, 计算服务, CPU时间, 等.

C. 滥用电脑资源 – the following shall constitute the definition of a person who misuses the college computing resources:

  1. 当一个人在未经授权的情况下故意使用或导致使用计算机或计算机服务,并且所使用的计算机配备或编程了任何设备或编码系统时,即构成未经授权使用计算机罪, a function of which is to prevent the unauthorized use of said computer or computer system.
  2. 当一个人在未经授权的情况下故意使用或导致他人使用计算机或计算机服务,从而故意获取计算机资料时,他或她就犯了计算机侵入罪.
  3. A person is guilty of unlawful duplication of computer related material when having no right to do so, 他或她复制, 繁殖, 或以任何方式复制软件.
  4. A person is guilty of misuse when he or she intentionally seeks information on, 索取, 或修改属于他人的文件或密码.
  5. A person is guilty of misuse when he or she intentionally develops or uses programs that harass other users, 渗透计算机系统, or damages or alters the 软件 or data components of a computing system.
  6. 当一个人授权与学院无关的个人使用一个帐户时,他或她就犯了滥用罪, or uses the academic computers for non-academic related work.
  7. 当一个人未能配合或遵循既定的计算资源程序时,他或她就犯了滥用罪.


任何学院的教职员工(包括SCT的员工或受雇的学生)都可以认定学生是计算机资源的潜在滥用者. 识别后, 计算机服务主任或他/她的代表可以拒绝学生使用计算机资源长达24小时. The 教务长 and appropriate Associate Dean shall be notified immediately.

在与相应的副院长协商后, 计算机服务部主任和相关教员, 教务处可将禁止进入的时间延长至多10个教学日. During this period, the following College disciplinary procedures shall be implemented.



学生滥用计算机资源的决定应由为此目的设立的大学听证委员会作出. 董事会由下列成员组成:

  • 教务处主任担任主席.
  • 由学术会议主席任命的教员,如果主席不在,则由负责学术事务的副校长任命.
  • 由学院院长任命的行政人员.
  • 由学生会主席指定的学生,如果学生会主席不在,则由学生活动总监指定.

在每种情况下, 该学生将被计算机服务主任正式指控违反此程序,该主任将负责与听证委员会主席协调提交证据. The following agenda shall be followed in conducting a meeting of the Hearing Board:

  1. 介绍
  2. 收费提示
  3. 请按学生收费
  4. 出示证据
  5. 证据的反驳
  6. 有罪或无罪的判定
  7. Presentation of information relative to penalty (如果合适的话)
  8. Rebuttal of information relative to penalty (如果合适的话)
  9. 决定建议罚款(如适用)
  10. 休会

The Hearing Board shall consider all evidence presented to it, 确定有罪或无罪, 如果合适的话, make a recommendation to the College President relative to an appropriate penalty. 处罚包括但不限于:

  • Denial of access to computer resources for a definite or indefinite period of time.
  • 暂停:在一段确定的或不确定的时间内暂停.
  • 被学院开除.
  • In the case of a student who has withdrawn from college, denial of readmission.

这是因为投票结果是平局, 听证委员会无法提出任何建议, the Board shall summarize its findings and present alternative recommendations to the President.

Overall management of the disciplinary process shall be the responsibility of the 教务长. 院长应确保每个被指控违反本程序的学生享有以下程序权利:

  • Be provided a written statement regarding the nature of the problem and evidence related hereto.
  • Be advised of the date and place of the hearing at least three instructional days in advance.
  • Be advised that he/she is entitled to be represented and advised by a person of his or her choice.
  • Be advised of the procedure to be followed during the hearing, including the right of the student to review any material presented to the Board, 要么参与,要么保持沉默.
  • The right to appeal the recommendation of the Hearing Board directly to the College President.